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I’ve had a few people approach me recently and very bluntly asked, “How do you have so much money to travel all the time?”
“Umm…pardon me?”
Although that’s a pretty personal question, I answered them in the best way I know possible…the cold hard truth…Tosh styles! I broke it down in a list and sure enough, when they saw the savings I collected just by switching a few things, they were actually shocked. To be honest, so was I after the first year. I couldn’t believe the savings.
When I chose to concentrate on travelling a few years back, I wanted to have more experiences, rather than things, so I changed how I was spending my money quite a bit.
I’ve listed below the services/products that I’ve switched in the last couple of years to save me a pretty penny and also some other ways I keep the dollar in MY pocket. Get ready, there’s some math involved, folks. Ugh, gross, I know, but trust me, guys…little things DO add up HUGE in the end.
Let me break it down now…
Gym Membership- $528.00 per year
Car- $5,724.00 per year
Cell Phone- $1,152.00 per year
Car/Motorcycle Insurance- $3,708.00 per year
Gas- $2,400.00 per year
Total: $13,512.00 per year
Gym Membership- $193.00 per year
Car- $4,200.00 per year
Cell Phone- $468.00 per year
Car/Motorcycle Insurance- $2,676.00 per year
Gas- $960.00 per year
Total: $8,497.00 per year
Grand Total Yearly Savings: $5,015.00
See what I’m saying? The numbers above are just rounded approximates, but they are just monthly expenses that added up. That’s not factoring in my transit costs to get to and from work, but that I can’t change. Damn you, transit costs! I didn’t even add to the fact that I don’t go out to buy lunch…EVER. I bring my snack and lunch from home everyday and that saves a massive chunk. Let’s just say that the average person who goes out to lunch everyday spends approximately between $7-$12. That’s $60 a week, $240 a month and $2,880 a YEAR just on lunch. If you buy dinners, or go out to bars, well, that cost just gets higher and higher. Now, I’m not saying to stay home and be a hermit, not at all, but when you do it every weekend and wonder where all your spare money is going…ummm…ya!
Read more: How To Travel Iceland on a Budget
I like to treat myself too once in awhile to a new outfit, but I’d just rather buy a plane ticket now than a pair of shoes, or a purse.
I’m not claiming to be an accountant, or money expert, but I am pretty good at saving for something I want, and what I want, is to see more of the world while I still can.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
How do you save money if you want to travel? Any tips you want to share? Let me know in the comments below! xo
Read more: How to travel through Norway on a budget
Saving some money is always a great idea! Great tips!
Thank you!! Glad they helped 🙂