So, aboot that “small fringe minority” protest happening in Ottawa right now, eh?
To be completely honest with you guys, I don’t even know how to start writing about this loaded topic.
The best way to tackle it, in my mind, is just to speak openly, honestly and freely about what it is I experienced and witnessed while taking part in the Freedom Truck Convoy 2022 in Ottawa last weekend.
Last weekend, I, along with my sister and brother-in-law, headed to the Canada’s capital to partake in what is, the biggest and one of the most historic protests of our lives right now. Whether you choose to believe that, or not, hey, that’s your opinion and you’re free to think that way…for now, at least.
If you turn on any mainstream news outlet on your TV, or stop by any news stand within your local convenience store, you’re bound to come across headlines that instill fear, division and hatred towards anyone taking part in the protest.
You’ll see words and phrases being aimlessly tossed around like confetti at a wedding; Unvaccinated this, anti-masker that, white supremacists are flying Nazi flags, Confederate flags and slinging racial slurs around, inciting violence, stealing from the homeless, blah…blah…blah.
As someone who has been openly voicing my unpopular opinions on the happenings of the last two years, since before March 2020 actually, I can tell you that I’m no stranger to speaking about controversial topics and the backlash which ensues after voicing those topics. I have stood my ground, spoke up to numerous people; friends, family, coworkers and even strangers. I’ve been ridiculed and called names such as irresponsible, ignorant, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-science, uneducated and my personal favourite, a conspiracy theorist.
How does the saying go? “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Hurling insults at people who have opposing views to yours isn’t cool at all. It actually makes you look like a total childish asshole to be honest.
I’m so happy that I’m a level headed, strong minded individual that has never gone against my word, I never back down on my beliefs and I most certainly do NOT give a FUCK what anyone has to say about me, or to me. My standpoint about this obvious government overreach has never and will never change. My personal philosophy has always been, “I am who I am, take it, or leave it.” My lack of trust in governments could also be from being raised by immediate family members who have fled communist run countries before arriving in Canada, but that’s a story for another day.
Ok, back to Ottawa we go.
As I made my way down the streets, I was inundated with the sounds of truck horns blaring through the downtown core of the city and I got chills. Yes, it was -40 degrees celcius outside, but this was a different chill. A revolutionary chill. The energy that I felt course through my entire body was electrifying. Watching everyone on the street smiling, dancing and laughing, while talking to each other, hugging each other was heartwarming to see. It was a lot to analyze and take in, but holy fuck, was it ever amazing to be there! For the first time in two years, I could confidently say that I was once again, proud to be Canadian.
For weeks, the mainstream news and legacy media has been absolutely complicit in creating fear porn among mass hysteria, division between citizens of Canada and aiding Trudope in spreading lies about the people that are at the protest in Ottawa. It’s sickening and it’s Un-Canadian. You know how I know that the MSM are a bunch of liars? I used to work for Canada’s leading newspaper, which has indeed, over the last few years, turned into a Liberal rag, which is funded and staying afloat solely with tax payer’s hard earned dollars. I’ll let you figure out which paper it is I am talking about.
From what I saw in Ottawa, I can say this, everything you have seen, or saw in mainstream news, on your TV, on legacy media’s front covers is all false.
There were no documented incidents of protesters inciting violence towards anyone, there were no swastika flags, no Confederate flags, no burning cars, no burning buildings, no looting, no smashed storefronts, no deaths etc. The Nazi and Confederate flags you HAVE seen on the news have been condemned by the protesters and have been either told to leave, or have been proven (by a JEWISH news personality) to have been seen far away from the convoy crowd and was photographed on purpose and circulated to news outlets. That shit would NOT have been tolerated around this crowd.
Counter protesters have been heard throwing obscenities at the protesters, seen throwing eggs at trucks dressed with flags, as well as throwing eggs off their condo balconies on the protesters below, not even thinking twice that there are children down below. Where’s the news coverage? A counter protester and well known Antifa punk, David Alexander Zegarac, rammed his vehicle into four protesters in Winnipeg, causing them severe harm. Why was there only a blip in the news about his dangerous antics? Did you know that counter protesters and pro-lockdown crowds have been seen displaying Communist flags and signs in Ottawa, but the media is staying silent about that? Why are the counter protesters the ones spewing hate so much? *sigh* Team Compassionate at it again it seems.
All I witnessed in Ottawa were people smiling, dancing, laughing, hugging, singing, and loving each others’ company, no matter what their race, creed, religion and medical status was. Kids were playing street hockey with their peers without masks on and enjoying interacting and meeting new kids their age. The people in the streets were fucking happy. It was incredible to see. It’s been too long. It’s what people wanted, what they desired…to be a part of society again and coming together, even if it was to protest against government overreach and to end Rona mandates. It gave everyone a sense of belonging. Hope was ignited like a flame doused in gasoline, not only in Canada, but around the world. Canada went from being ridiculed over our harsh lockdowns and measures, to becoming a beacon of light to other countries around the world. I haven’t seen SO much coverage about a Canadian protest in my life.
A police officer was heard saying that the streets of Ottawa (where the protests are happening specifically) have never been cleaner because the protesters are actually picking up trash, putting it in bags and hauling it away. They are even shovelling snow and slush from the roads and clearing sewer drains, so they wouldn’t get blocked. I even made mention to my sister just how clean the streets looked. I was actually surprised.
The homeless are being fed, given hygiene products and treated well. A homeless person has been quoted as saying, “This is the first time I’ve been treated as a human being and not just walked passed while becoming homeless.”
There weren’t only unvaccinated and maskless white people at this protest. There are vaccinated, masked, triple boosted people there as well. I saw people of every skin colour, creed and race during my walks through the streets of Ottawa. I saw Canadian flags, gay pride flags, Venezuelan flags, Romanian flags, Indigenous flags, Jamaican flags, Pakistani flags, a lot of Fuck Trudeau flags and well, you get the point.
If you are one of the people that truly believe that this protest is about race and white supremacy (regardless of what the media says) then you’ve lost the plot and you’ve let them win by dividing us all. An Indigenous woman has been quoted as saying, “I have never experienced SO much racism in my life, by the people claiming that this is about race and white supremacy. This is White Saviourism to the highest degree and they are suppressing POC from having a voice and want to silence their support around the truckers and why we are all here.”
Why aren’t you seeing that in the news, on TV , or on your local newsstands? Ask yourself that. Why are they only promoting the negatives regarding the Freedom Convoy? And why in the name of fuck, are people so trustworthy of their governments? That’s the scariest part to me. Why isn’t MSM on the streets talking to the truckers, talking to the protesters and talking to the families on the ground who are all there for their own personal reasons.
Some have lost their long time jobs due to mandates. Some cannot leave the country due to mandates. Some cannot dine indoors at a restaurant due to mandates. Some are suffering from mental health issues because they cannot go to a gym due to mandates. Some have lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdoses and domestic abuse because of harsh lockdowns. Some parents have young children that openly cut themselves because they cannot be with their friends and feel isolated and alone. And yes, some have lost loved ones to the Rona, but are against mandates and endless restrictions. Some have even lost loved ones, or are suffering from adverse reactions due to receiving the vaccine. These people are willing to tell their honest and heartfelt stories to you, if you so much as take the time to TALK TO THEM and stop demonizing them for exercising their fundamental right to protest.
There are a lot of people in my life that openly write things like, “Oh, fighting for your FreeDUMB!” When I see shit like this, I’m dumbfounded. Just because you live in Canada, does NOT mean you are not immune from losing freedoms. Don’t let the word democracy fool you. Any country that has ever had their freedoms taken away, was done so in a slow, strategic manner, not just all at once. This is why we have a Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects a number of rights and freedoms, including freedom of expression and the right to equality. It forms part of our Constitution, the highest law in all of Canada and is one of our country’s greatest accomplishments.
The Charter protects Canadians against the state. It also protects minorities against parliamentary majorities. It applies to anyone in Canada, citizen or newcomer. However, some of its rights apply only to citizens, including the right to vote and the right to enter and leave the country, which are classified under Mobility Rights. Its language is more general than specific, which is one reason critics fear it gives too much interpretive power to judges. The principal rights and freedoms covered by the Charter include: freedom of expression; the right to a democratic government; the right to live and seek work anywhere in Canada; the legal rights of people accused of crimes; the rights of Indigenous peoples; the right to equality including gender equality; the right to use Canada’s official languages; and the right of French or English minorities to an education in their language.
The last living architect of this document, Mr. Brian Peckford, is currently suing the Federal government for breaking and going against the Charter, specifically the travel vaccine mandate that goes against our Mobility Rights as Canadian citizens where we have the right to leave, enter and travel freely throughout Canada.
Brian Peckford is quoted as saying:
“I’m concerned as a Canadian citizen, I’m concerned as a person who was involved in crafting the Charter,” said Peckford, who suggested the Federal government’s use of Section One of the Constitution — which allows the government to limit charter rights in some cases — is not justified by the pandemic.”
“It was never meant to be used in this kind of circumstance,” he said. “It was meant for very serious circumstances, like if the state was in peril, war or insurrection, or other things that threatened the state as a country. Not this kind of circumstance where 99 per cent of people recover from a virus. That’s not a threat to the state.”
– Taken from The Times Colonist
Section 33 of the Charter is known as the notwithstanding clause. It allows governments to exempt their laws from certain sections of the Charter, but not from democratic, mobility or language rights. The federal government has never invoked the clause. It has been used a handful of times by various provincial governments to override Charter rights.
People’s freedoms don’t end where others’ fear begins. Nobody is protesting in Ottawa to take your rights away. If you want to still stay home, wear a mask and get vaccinated, then you are free to do so. Nobody is stopping you. People need to move on with their lives and get back on track. The world shouldn’t shut down because of a virus, especially one with a 99% survival rate. There is now evidence that clearly states that masks do not work and you can still get and transmit Rona with the vaccine, so why would I take it? Plus there is zero long term data with the jabs. Also, why does Pfizer want 75 years to release the data? 75 Years!? That’s a red flag if I ever saw one. Lockdowns literally did nothing except decimate the livelihoods of small business owners and cause mass depression and a slew of other mental health issues.
C’mon, Canada…
It’s time to move on. It’s time for the truth to come out. It’s time to end the never ending lockdowns. It’s time to take our freedoms back and stop allowing the Provincial, Federal and Municipal governments of Canada this absolutely unnecessary overreach.
You can have your opinions about the Freedom Convoy, the truckers, the vaccines and the restrictions, but what will you say when the truth comes out? There are already lawsuits underway. Whether you want to stay ignorant as to what’s happening, that’s up to you. I implore everyone to do some real research, turn off the teLIEvision and ask questions. Talk to people that have opposing views to yours, without attacking them. Just sit and listen. The art of having real and engaging conversation is dying. I don’t think any less of the people I know that chose to take the vaccine. If you want to wear a mask, go ahead. I would hope you would feel the same towards me, my choices and opinions in the end.
So, what are my closing statements in regards to what I saw while in Ottawa?
It was peaceful, full of love and there were zero signs of divisive language in the crowds. The mainstream media are a bunch of lying pieces of shit, I should know…I worked for them. Kids were having a blast. There were multiple races within the crowd of all ages. People were giving away free food, not stealing it. Hand warmers were being given out for free for people standing in the -40 degree weather.
Everyone in Ottawa is standing up for something they believe in. They aren’t being selfish. They are protesting for everyone, including the naysayers. They are fighting against government overreach. Yes, even the vaccinated are fighting against the vaccine passports. If you have to show papers in order to do things that you used to be able to freely do before, then you are truly not free. Don’t get it twisted.
And remember, we are all in this together, are we not?
So glad to see a REAL documented account of whats really hapening in Canada. You CANNOT trust MSM! FREEDOM FOR ALL!!!
Yessss!!!! Thanks for stopping by to read it! MSM is literally our enemy in this. 😛
Your blog post is word for word a true encapsulation of the freedom convoy! THIS is the kind of coverage every Canadian needs to see. We all play a part in this- it’s a choice to live in love or fear. Thank God for the Canadians still holding the line. Looking forward to your next post!
Thanks for reading and commenting on the post, Jenna! I appreciate it so much! It’s really comforting to know that there are so many people out there that feel the same way about the current situation as we see it.